Cest La Vie!

General Nonsense about Nonsense

Monday, April 5, 2010

And thats all folks!

Chek out my new website! demetriusray.webs.com

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Back-Pack Blues

Vent Session Begin. Now i know it seems taboo for an "Alpha Male" to vent to anyone other than his mother but some serious venting can be used right about now, now excuses needed. School. School. School...O yes, its keeping me on my toes. I would complain about the 7, 6 page papers that have to be written by Tuesday but, come's with the territory eh? I admire those who have graduated from college because it actually shows that there may be a little be of reward in this continual slave drive we call the educational system in America...i could live in China after all. Well as i vent, wish me good luck all, aderol shall be my friend this week. Back to photo critiques..Adios!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Ode to Magic City

Well friends, spring break is now over and the time to be an adult has infiltrated my life, once again. South Beach and all the mojitos i consumed will be missed but there is work to be done in the Windy. Sounds like ill just sit back and watch some college basketball accompanied by a Blue Moon, or two. I greatly do miss KC though, i could use a short stack at Gates like its no one's business. Well I'm out like Bush, Adios!

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Static Electricity

So, Whatup Blogspot world. Obviously haven't used this blog page in a substantial amount of time, reason being is that there is no reason being lol but im back like mike! So 8 months seems to be a long time on hiatus but, all that means to me is that 8 months of great things have built up to create a great story. Professionally, my lifes at a standstill, not really sure what im doing in this game called my career nor am i really sure that what im doing is for me. Dillema or what? As far as i see it, 21 years is still categorized as being pretty young in America and i think im gonna let some of my dreams ride out, better to bite the bullet than to swallow it. Musically? Ehh that really deserves a whole nother post. But on the flip side, time is $ and im losing that talking to you guys, Wrap with you soon!


Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Experentia Docet

So i have wrote in a long time, i mean damn, a real long time, nevertheless i am now, 1st off R.I.P. Michael Jackson, Great artist, great history, he will truly be missed, now on a lighter note, Muscially these past few months havebeen crazy, i am discovering more taletn thru myself than i have in the pat 5 years, im excited for where things are going and i see a huge light at the end of this miserable tunnel. Im moving back to the chi in a few weeks and am excited in anticpation of what new ideas the lovely cities will implant in my head, miss all of you my friends, stay true to yourself and to the music

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Living Colour!

My life is the shit...everyday is dope..bogusness only resides in the myth of false dreams...Come experience it 

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Ch-EE -Cago Mane!

So....as many of u know, i moved to chicago a few months ago to awaken my views and come to the realization that there is actually life outside of KC. On a 1 to 10 rating, this move has been a 9 which i truly cant complain about. Big city life is not for the weak hearted but the thrill of it is amazing. I have done more things in the past month than the average person could do in 2 years in KC, So many opportunites, so many new experiences. Besides the cold and the bullshit tax rate, life is doper than any human being could ask for. Between the concerts, clubs and new friends...i have gained new insight on how life could and should be. School is awesome too...im finally doing something that i love. Overall, my swag is on point and jus expecting for the best everyday, miracles come to those who work hard for it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Feelin All Brand New And Ish!

So...i apologize for the lack of updation to the blog..time has been of the essence and computer time wasnt key..anyyway...Man, Jan 20th 2009...Barack Obama is being sworn into office today and i swear every black american feels brand new...myself being a victim. Inaguration day this yr came at a pivitol point following MLK day so..it seems like everyone was all balled up in their emotions..giving hugs and ish, lmao. While i feeling like its my civic duty to applaud the moment and drop everything and cry tears of joy, i still feel like i have to be the moment breaking asshole and wonder wat Obama is gonna do to get our nation out of the pot and back up to the gas guzzling, filet mignon eating, versace wearing nation we've come to know and love. While this moment is historic and all, jobs rates are still falling and the white collar world is PMS'ing at levels higher than ever. While i feel like Barack is the man for the job...i still think talk is cheap and only actions can satisify my hunger for results. That being said, I want u all to not forget about the task at hand and remember that, your feelings well only last as long as you feel comfortable. So lets pop some bottles, and throw confetti, make it fun while it lasts...thats how it should be...but after today...lets get to work america

Friday, December 19, 2008

Como Te Llama? D Stew!

So im sitting in my room right now listening to The Grouch and eating microwave burritos....thinking about bull...ya kno, adult bull like payin bills and having to work ur entire life...basically until u die. Now we all gotta do it because as human beings thats our civic responsibility and hell...the only way we can stay alive. I am the only one that is tired of working dead end jobs though? im mean really, if society expects us to work for a living, couldn't they provide more creative jobs for those who don't necessarily care about providing excellent customer service and meeting bullshit deadlines for measly pay!......Kanye said it best " If my manager insults me again, i will be assaulting him, after i fuck the manager up, then im gonna shorten the register up" REAL!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Green Light To Go

So i haven updated in a while...wats new with me...im movin to chi town next month so my big city fix will finally be gratified, excited but nervous at the same time, but wat do i have to lose? LS sure aint the town for a nigga to thrive, anywwayyy...808's And Heartbreaks?? Like? Love? Neither?....Hit Me Up!